Understanding Insurance Requirements for Gender Affirmation Surgery

Insurance coverage for orchiectomy, genitoplasty, and other types of gender-affirmation surgery is largely governed by standards issued by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Many health insurance providers use these guidelines to direct which procedures are medically necessary. However, not every insurer—or state—does.

Because acceptance of WPATH guidelines can vary, it can sometimes be hard to determine which procedures are covered by your health plan and whether gender affirmation is even affordable.

This article describes the types of surgeries pursued by transgender or gender-nonconforming people as a part of gender affirmation and the barriers they face. It also explains the WPATH standards of care for each type of surgery, how insurance companies use them to determine eligibility, and what restrictions are imposed by providers or states.

Transgender rally outside with flags and signs
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Gender-affirmation surgery is the preferred term but gender-confirmation surgery and gender-alignment surgery can also be used. Outdated terms like "sex reassignment" or "sex change" should not be used.

Gender affirmation reflects the process a person goes through when they begin to live as their authentic gender rather than the gender assigned to them a birth.

Medical or surgical procedures are only one facet of gender affirmation.

Types of Gender-Affirmation Surgery

Not all transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer individuals want surgery to align their bodies to their gender identity. Some people are content with social or other medical transition options.

Others want one or more surgeries, including those referred to as "top surgery” (occurring above the waist) and "bottom surgery" (occurring below the waist).

An extensive national survey of transgender people found that:

  • 66% of transgender women either had or wanted vaginoplasty or labiaplasty.
  • 51% of transgender women either had or wanted breast augmentation.
  • 50% of transgender women either had or wanted facial feminization (surgery to make a face appear more feminine).
  • 37% of transgender women either had or wanted a tracheal shave (removal of the Adam’s apple).
  • 58% of transgender women either had or wanted orchiectomy (removal of the testicles).
  • 22% of transgender men either had or wanted phalloplasty (the creation of a penis).
  • 27% of transgender men either had or wanted metoidioplasty (surgery that uses existing genitalia to create a penis).
  • 97% of transgender men either had or wanted chest reconstruction or mastectomy (removal of the breasts).
  • 71% of transgender men either had or wanted a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus).

Common Barriers to Gender-Affirmation Surgery

Cost, surgeon availability, and a process referred to "gatekeeping" are three major hurdles commonly faced by people undergoing gender affirmation.


Cost is one of the primary reasons people have limited access to gender-affirmation surgeries. Historically, most public or private insurance companies have not covered these procedures. Fortunately, that is changing.

Some public and private insurance companies cover some or all gender-affirmation surgery options. But that coverage often comes with many hoops that people need to jump through. It is also not available to all people in all states.

Surgeon Availability

Another major factor limiting access to surgery is the small number of surgeons trained to perform them. These surgeons, particularly very experienced ones, are often booked months or years in advance.

In addition, many don’t take insurance. Fortunately, as insurance coverage for gender-affirmation surgeries has increased, so too has physician interest in training. Today, there are many hospitals across the country that routinely perform vaginoplasty and accept insurance to pay for them.


Another barrier is a process called “gatekeeping" currently endorsed by WPATH. Gatekeeping involves undergoing a significant therapy or psychiatric assessment before they are allowed to transition medically.

It is a process that attracted considerable debate given that this level of scrutiny is not required for other major surgeries. It ultimately places the decision in the hands of a psychiatrist who can determine if a person is mentally "fit" to pursue treatment.

Discrimination and Stigma

In addition to barriers like cost and surgeon availability/competency, there is also a long history of discrimination and stigma limiting transgender patients’ access to care.

Insurance and the WPATH Standards

When determining eligibility for gender-affirming surgery coverage, many insurers turn to the WPATH Standards of Care to inform their eligibility guidelines. These are also known as the WPATH criteria or WPATH requirements.

WPATH updates its guidelines every five to 10 years. These standards of care help define which treatments are medically necessary and under which conditions they should be authorized. The standards have become less restrictive over time, reflecting the growing recognition of gender diversity in society.

The standards of care are broadly described as follows:

Standards for Top Surgery

“Top surgery” refers to gender-affirmation surgery of the breast or chest. For transmasculine people, this surgery is called chest reconstruction. For transfeminine people, it is breast augmentation.

The WPATH criteria for top surgery include:

  1. Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria (distress caused by the difference between a person’s gender and the gender they were assigned at birth)
  2. The ability to make an informed decision and consent to treatment
  3. Any significant medical or mental health conditions are “reasonably well controlled”

Standards for Hormone Therapy

It is important to note that hormone therapy is not required for these surgeries. However, a year of hormone therapy is recommended for transgender women because it allows them to get the maximum possible breast growth without surgery, which improves surgical outcomes.

For transgender men, there is no hormone requirement or recommendation. That’s because some transmasculine people are only dysphoric about their chests. Therefore, they do not want or need testosterone treatment.

There are also several physical and psychological reasons people choose to undergo top surgery without hormone use. That said, people who are taking testosterone and are very active may wish to wait a year for surgery because testosterone and exercise can significantly reshape the chest. Therefore, waiting a year may result in a more aesthetic outcome.

Standards for Orchiectomy, Hysterectomy, and Ovariectomy

These surgeries involve the removal of the testicles (orchiectomy), uterus (hysterectomy), or ovaries (ovariectomy).

WPATH criteria for these surgeries include:

  1. Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria
  2. The ability to make an informed decision and consent to treatment
  3. Any significant medical or mental health conditions are “well controlled”
  4. At least 12 continuous months of appropriate hormone therapy, unless there are reasons someone can’t or won’t take hormones. The purpose of this guideline is so that people can experience reversible hormone changes before they undergo irreversible ones.

Surgeries to remove the gonads (testes, ovaries) and the uterus may be performed independently. They may also be performed alongside other gender-affirmation surgeries.

Removing the gonads alone can lower the amount of cross-sex hormone therapy required to get results. In addition, removing the uterus or cervix eliminates the need to screen those organs. That’s important because those screening exams can cause dysphoria and discomfort in many transgender men.

Standards for Vaginoplasty, Phalloplasty, and Metoidioplasty

This group of surgeries constructs a vagina (vaginoplasty) or penis (phalloplasty, metoidioplasty). These procedures make a person’s genitalia more in line with their gender identity.

WPATH criteria for these surgeries include:

  1. Persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria
  2. The ability to make an informed decision and consent to treatment
  3. Any significant medical or mental health conditions are “well controlled”
  4. Appropriate hormone therapy for 12 continuous months, unless there are reasons why someone can’t or won’t take hormones
  5. Living in a gender role that is consistent with their gender identity for 12 continuous months

The requirement for a year of living in a gender role is because it gives people time to adjust to their desired gender. In addition, doctors widely believe that a year is a sufficient time for that adjustment before undergoing a complicated, expensive, and irreversible surgery.

Aftercare for these surgeries can be emotionally intense and difficult. For example, following vaginoplasty, consistent vaginal dilation is required to maintain depth and girth and avoid complications. These requirements can sometimes be challenging for people with a history of sexual trauma.

Aftercare Recommendations

Due to these surgeries’ physical and emotional intensity, experts recommend that those considering them have regular visits with a mental or medical health professional.

Standards for Facial Feminization Surgery

There are no formal guidelines for facial feminization surgery. In addition, it has historically been tough to get this procedure covered by insurance due to a lack of research on the benefits.

However, some individuals have been able to have it successfully covered by arguing that it is as medically necessary as genital surgery and has equally positive effects on quality of life.

Standards for Children and Adolescents

WPATH guidelines for children and adolescents include criteria for fully reversible interventions (puberty blockers that pause puberty, for example) or partially reversible ones (hormones, for example). However, they do not recommend irreversible (surgical) interventions until the age of majority in their given country.

One exception is chest surgery for transmasculine adolescents. WPATH criteria suggest this could be carried out before adulthood, after ample time of living in their gender role, and after being on testosterone treatment for one year.

Restrictions to Coverage

Despite the increasing uptake of WPATH guidelines by insurers, not every organization embraces them or applies them in the same way. Even WPATH notes that “the criteria put forth in this document... are clinical guidelines. Individual health professionals and programs may modify them.” And many times, they do.

Generally speaking, private insurance companies are more likely to offer coverage for some or all procedures than government agencies like Medicaid and Medicare. Even so, eligibility requirements can vary as can copayment and coinsurance costs.


Medicaid is the U.S. government health coverage program for low-income people, jointly funded by the federal government and states. Of the estimated 1.4 million transgender adults living in the United States, approximately 152,000 have Medicaid coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Many state Medicaid programs cover aspects of gender-affirming health services. But only two states—Maine and Illinois—cover all five WPATH standards of care as of October 2022 (hormone therapy, surgery, fertility assistance, voice and communication therapy, primary care, and behavioral intervention).

Current Medicaid Coverage Status

In terms of gender-affirming surgery, 23 states provide coverage for adults, while nine states (Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, and Wyoming) currently deny coverage. The remaining states either have no policies in place or offer no reporting of coverage.


Medicare is federal health insurance for people 65 or older and some younger people with disabilities. Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) will cover gender-affirmation surgery when it is considered medically necessary. Prior to 2014, no coverage was offered.

The challenge with accessing surgery is that Medicare has no national precedent for approving or denying coverage. As such, approval or denial is based largely on precedents within your state and is conducted on a case-by-case basis.

This suggests that approval may be more difficult in states that deny coverage to Medicaid recipients given that Medicare is administered by a central agency called the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

As a general guideline, the CMS states that the following is needed for you to be an eligible candidate for gender-affirmation surgery:

  • Have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria
  • Provide proof of counseling
  • Provide evidence of hormone therapy (for transgender women)

If coverage is denied, there is an appeal process you can undergo to overturn the denial.

Private Insurance

Most private insurance companies in the United States will offer coverage for some—but not necessarily all—gender-affirming surgeries.

According to the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF), many of the larger insurers offer coverage for a comprehensive array of surgeries, including providers like:

  • Aetna
  • Anthem
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • Oscar
  • UnitedHealthcare

Others have different standards in different states (such as AmeriHealth) or only offer coverage for specific surgeries like facial feminization surgery (Prestige and AmeriHealth New Hampshire).

Though coverage of gender-affirmation surgery is increasing, many private insurers still require you to meet extensive criteria before approval is granted. By way of example, to get approval for breast augmentation, a transgender woman would need to provide a company like Aetna:

  1. A signed letter from a qualified mental health professional stating their readiness for physical treatment as well as their capacity to consent to a specific treatment
  2. Documentation of marked and sustained gender dysphoria
  3. Documentation that other possible causes of gender dysphoria have been excluded
  4. The completion of six to 12 months of hormone therapy
  5. A risk assessment of breast cancer screening by a qualified healthcare provider

Even if approval is granted, copayment, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket costs can vary, often considerably.

Out-of-Pocket Costs

According to a 2022 study from Oregon Health & Science University, a transgender person who underwent "bottom" surgery from 2007 to 2019 paid an average of $1,781 out of pocket.

With that said, 50% had to leave their state due to the restriction or unavailability of gender-affirmation surgery and ended up paying an average of $2,645 out of pocket, not including travel or living expenses.

Getting Started

Showing that a person has “persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria” usually requires a letter from a mental health provider. This letter usually states that the person meets the criteria for gender dysphoria, including the length of time that has been true.

This letter often also contains a narrative of the person’s gender history in detail. In addition, the letter should state how long the provider has been working with the person.

Well or Reasonably Controlled

It is important to note that some standards require that medical and mental health problems be well controlled, while others only require them to be reasonably well controlled. Documentation of this is also usually in a letter from the relevant healthcare provider.

This letter should contain information about the history of the condition, how it is controlled, and the length of the clinician’s relationship with the person. Ideally, the phrases “well controlled” or “reasonably well controlled” are used in the letter as appropriate.

Using terminology referenced in the WPTH criteria makes it easier for providers and insurance companies to determine that the conditions of the standards of care have been met.

Of note, mental health conditions are not a contraindication for gender affirmation surgeries. In fact, these procedures can help resolve symptoms in many transgender people and others with gender dysphoria. Symptom relief is true not just for anxiety and depression but for more severe conditions such as psychosis.

What You Can Do

Getting insurance coverage for gender confirmation surgery can be a frustrating process. However, it can help to prepare a copy of the WPATH guidelines and any relevant research papers to support your goals. That’s particularly true if they include surgeries other than those listed above.

In addition, it may be a good idea to reach out to your local LGBT health center for assistance. Many health centers are now hiring transgender patient navigators who have extensive experience with the insurance process. They can be a great resource.

Local and national LGBTQ-focused legal organizations often have helplines or access hours where people can seek information.


Gender-affirmation surgery refers to various surgeries that allow people to align their bodies with their gender. WPATH guidelines offer criteria for determining whether someone is a good candidate for gender-affirmation surgery.

Not all insurance offers coverage for gender-affirmation surgery, but some do. First, however, you need to provide the proper documentation to show that you meet specific surgery criteria. This documentation is usually in a letter written by your physician or mental health clinician.

9 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Morrison SD, Capitán-Cañadas F, Sánchez-García A, et al. Prospective quality-of-life outcomes after facial feminization surgery: an international multicenter study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020;145(6):1499-1509. doi:10.1097/PRS.0000000000006837

  2. National Center for Transgender Equality. The report of the 2015 U.S. transgender survey.

  3. World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people, 7th version.

  4. Kaiser Family Foundation. Update on Medicaid coverage of gender-affirming health services.

  5. CMS.gov. Gender dysphoria and gender reassignment surgery.

  6. Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund. Health insurance medical policies: gender dysphoria / gender reassignment.

  7. Aetna. Gender-affirming surgery.

  8. Downing J, Holt SK, Cunetta M, Gore JL, Dy GW. Spending and out-of-pocket costs for genital gender-affirming surgery in the US. JAMA Surg. 2022;157(9):799-806. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2022.2606

  9. Meijer JH, Eeckhout GM, van Vlerken RH, de Vries AL. Gender dysphoria and co-existing psychosis: review and four case examples of successful gender affirmative treatment. LGBT Health. 2017;4(2):106-114. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2016.0133

Elizabeth Boskey, PhD

By Elizabeth Boskey, PhD
Boskey has a doctorate in biophysics and master's degrees in public health and social work, with expertise in transgender and sexual health.